Activities by starclassic18 on Winegeeks saved the wine 2006 Pulenta Gran Corte to My Winesstarclassic18 saved the wine 2006 Pulenta Gran Corte to My Wines Pulenta Gran Corte2006 Pulenta Gran Corte/activities/69682011-02-26T07:06:39-08:00RlhlMEFHUVBZSFFFaXI1M0dReWRXUT09starclassic18 earned the badge Newbie starclassic18 earned the badge Newbie added a photo for 2006 Pulenta Gran Cortestarclassic18 added a photo for 2006 Pulenta Gran Corte for 2006 Pulenta Gran CortePhoto for 2006 Pulenta Gran Corte Pulenta Gran Corte/activities/69662011-02-26T07:06:39-08:00RlhlMEFHUVBZSFFFaXI1M0dReWRXUT09starclassic18 added the wine 2006 Pulenta Gran Cortestarclassic18 added the wine 2006 Pulenta Gran Corte Pulenta Gran Corte2006 Pulenta Gran Corte