
“C” appellations

Côtes de Toul

A recent addition to AOC status, this tiny and obscure little appellation produces a wide range of wines in white for from Aligoté, Auboin and Auxerrois, rosés from Gamay, Pinot Noir and Pinot Meunier as well as the white varietals, and red wines from Pinot Meunier and Pinot Noir. The reds and rosés can be a nice alternative to the abundant white wines found in Alsace, though there is very little of them to go around. The name refers to a group of communes found in the area just to the south and west of Nancy, and certainly a little ways to the west of Alsace proper.


France → Alsace → Côtes de Toul

Appellation Type

French AOC

Wineries (0)

Wines (0)